A widower for many years, Greg Glauser has most of his meals at fast food restaurants. Often he fondly remembers holiday meals with his dear wife Andrea.
“Every Christmas Andrea used to bake one CHERRY pie and one APPLE pie,” says Greg wistfully. “We would always have a SLICE of BOTH and go over the many blessings in our lives.”
For several years Greg has been a dedicated teacher at the Brookwood Community where 150 adults with disabilities joyfully live and work.
One Christmas Greg was invited to two dinners to enjoy a home cooked meal. He thought, Oh boy… maybe they’ll have Cherry and Apple pie.
In both cases he felt a twinge of disappointment. They had apple pie… but NO CHERRY PIE.
Later at home he scolded himself. Maybe it was just a silly tradition having both apple and cherry pie in remembrance of the wonderful times he had with Andrea.
There was a knock at the door. It was Mary a coworker.
She explained that a bakery in town had sent some pies to one of the group homes for citizens. They had one left over. Would he like it?
Greg held the pie box in his hands… and nearly choked-up saying “Thank You Mary”.
He IMMEDIATELY sat down and had a slice. It was CHERRY PIE!
Savoring each bite… he also savored the many blessed times with his dear wife Andrea.
We’re thinking that our heavenly Father loves to send Godwinks at Christmastime… just to remind us that He’s right here with us. When we feel sorrow, He feels it too.
Greg's entire story is one of 31 amazing true tales of the season in Godwink Christmas Stories. When you purchase this book before midnight on the 16th, you can get 50% OFF (see banner) on ANY additional BOOK from the Godwinks Shop.
Wishes for Godwinks of Christmas joy. SQuire
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