While getting on the SUBWAY to work, I noticed a WOMAN ASLEEP in her seat at the end of the line. I gently touched her shoulder and said, “Ma'am? You're in North Hollywood.”
Startled, she exclaimed, “OH NO! I’m supposed to be at Wilshire!”
She had SLEPT THROUGH her transfer point. It was her first time on the train and now she was late for work.
'Talk to me,' I said. 'I’ll keep you awake and get you to the right station.'
After giving her DIRECTIONS at her transfer point, I waved goodbye and HOPED that her boss was understanding.
At the end of my workday, I FELT a sense of URGENCY. When I feel it, I LISTEN to it.
I hurried to the subway and instead of turning RIGHT, as usual, I TURNED LEFT. Standing there on the platform was the SAME WOMAN from the morning!
I laughed, 'Don’t tell me you’re lost again!'
'Oh my' she said, 'I was just standing here PRAYING, Oh Lord, PLEASE SEND ME THAT WOMAN from this morning again!'
I laughed out loud. That this was the first time I had been the DIRECT ANSWER to someone's PRAYER!”
This delightful story is CONFIRMATION that each of us has a built-in GPS ... God’s Positioning System. And, that God nudges us along to make sure we are Divinely Aligned right where He wants us to be!
The more we talk to the NAVIGATOR in prayer… the more He talks to us through Godwinks!
By the way, 18 different Godwink Greeting Cards... one free with each book purchased here... have messages of hope and Godwink principles. Take a look.
Wishes and winks
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