“I'm a school bus driver for a special needs school.
I was about to go through an intersection ... had a green light … and began to go forward. I NOTED that the CAR TO MY LEFT abruptly STOPPED.
So, feeling an INNER NUDGE, I stopped as well, even though I didn't see anything coming.
Suddenly a SPEEDING VEHICLE whizzed through the intersection in a blur!
Had I continued … that car would have crashed into our school bus.
All I could think was … wow … another Godwink I will never forget.”
Mimi Bynum-Johnson
We generally think of the Divine Alignment of Godwinks as those times when God mysteriously connects us with the right people, at the right time, at the right place.
But in this case, God DIVINELY ALIGNED Mimi to HALT her bus to remain in SYNC with another car, which had inexplicably stopped.
Thank Goodness … both were saved!
May you have pumpkiny Godwinks, no tricks, and all treats.
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