SQuire Rushnell

RUBY, one of the tail-wagging stories in “Dogwinks: True Godwink Stories of Dogs…” has been officially announced by NETFLIX as an upcoming MOVIE starring GRANT GUSTIN, star of "The Flash."

The "Dogwink Ruby" story, the first one in the highly anticipated book which releases on May 4th, is a heartfelt story about a persevering Rhode Island Trooper, who struggled with Attention Deficit Disorder, yet always dreamt of being in the K9 Corps. When the State Police budget was cut, Trooper Dan O'Neil was matched with a rescue dog named Ruby that also had a dog-version of A.D.D. She had been returned to the shelter by five families as "unmanageable". If it hadn't been for a Divinely Aligned Godwink ... Ruby would have been put-down in two hours.

The story of Trooper Dan and Ruby is the kind that great family movies are made of ... overcoming obstacles... faith-building pursuit ... a multitude of inspirational moments ... a loving and praying family ... and a Godwink ending that makes everyone ... whoop and wag... shout and bark ...and say "wow ... what are the odds of that!"

Well, guess what?

It WILL be a great family movie, released by Netflix late this year or early next. Katt Shea is a wonderful director and animal lover (Nancy Drew Hidden Staircase); screenwriter Karen Janszen (Dolphin's Tail and A Walk to Remember) wrote a great script; our partner Dan Angel (Gifted Hands, A Godwink Christmas) is the top producer. (Louise and I are authors of the story and Executive Producers.)

The presale "DOGWINK" books are in the warehouse for shipping on or before May 4th.

The Audible audiobook version, read by the author (me) can be sampled and purchased now.

Love to hear your thoughts.

SQuire and Louise

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