SQuire Rushnell

Stephanie had such a tiny house the idea of taking in a LARGE HUSKY was out of the question. But her military son, about to be deployed, sadly appealed to her.
“Mom, I have no one else I can turn to. And honest, Sierra is such a sweet dog”.
Today, Stephanie will tell you that decision was a LIFE-SAVING Dogwink/Godwink because months later Stephanie was diagnosed with an abdominal cyst. Doctors decided to keep an eye on it.
One day her big Husky uncharacteristically pressed its nose into Stephanie’s stomach causing discomfort. Surprised, she quickly pushed Sierra away.
A half-hour later she noticed her dog was nowhere to be found. She looked everywhere, then noticed a white furry tip poking from beneath low hanging clothes in a closet. Stephanie realized she had hurt Sierra’s feelings when she pushed her away. The fur around her eyes was actually wet.
“I’ve never seen a dog cry,” said Stephanie.
The next day Stephanie reported to her doctor that she sensed that Sierra was trying to TELL HER SOMETHING. The doctor ran new tests … then told Stephanie, as gently as possible, that she had stage three ovarian cancer!
“But, thanks to Sierra, you’ve caught it early,” he said. And that fact was pivotal in Stephanie having a successful surgery.
Since then, Sierra has alerted Stephanie three additional times … always sniffing out cancer before medical technology could detect it. In her heart she knows the decision to help her son was the biggest Godwink of her life!
You’ll want to read Stephanie and Sierra’s ENTIRE STORY in our new book, “DOGWINKS: True Godwink Stories of Dogs.” Release Date: May 5th – Learn how to

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SQuire & Louise

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