SQuire Rushnell

"My HUSBAND was diagnosed with a BRAIN TUMOR, just had surgery, and was having ISSUES WALKING. 

Sometimes it would be hard to take him places because I WALK very FAST.

One day I was feeling STRESSED and… well…very UNATTRACTIVE. I needed to go to the store so I found my husband a comfortable chair and suggested he stay there as I shopped.

Wanting to get back to him as quickly as possible, I took off walking at my FAST SPEED to get the shopping done,

While speed walking up the aisle this very ADORABLE GENTLEMAN stopped me and said 'Young lady, I'm going to have to give you a SPEEDING TICKET, but since YOU'RE SO PRETTY, I'll cut the fine in half'.

I felt anything but 'pretty', but said, 'THANK YOU. I love you for that'.

The rest of the day I FELT so much BETTER.

A short while later, I was introduced to the word 'Godwink'. I'd never heard of it before. I realized GOD HAD WINKED at me in a stressed moment through that sweet man."

Barbara Steed


YOUR KIND WORDS, spoken at the right time and place, can be a "Godwink-Pick-Me-Up"— thrusting a breath of fresh air beneath the wings of someone like Barbara who was feeling self-critical.

Today, let's make it a point to smile and SAY SOMETHING NICE to someone who needs a BOOST.

Perhaps someone will do that for you, too.

Another act of kindness for someone might be a Godwink book that comes with a free greeting card with a Godwink saying. See the options here.

Good wishes for uplifting Godwinks.


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