“After the LOSS of our parents, my three sisters had to empty and SELL our CHILDHOOD HOME. It was a bittersweet labor of love. Mom and Dad built the house in 1955 and both died in 2013.
We felt GUILTY donating things we couldn’t keep...feeling we were doing them wrong.
When finished my sisters and I went to lunch and shared our HEARTFELT feelings.
The tab came and we PAID IN CASH. The change was 52 CENTS.
My sister picked up the change, looked at it, smiled and said ... ‘we got a GODWINK!’
The two pennies were DATED 1955 and 2013 … the YEAR they built the house and the YEAR they died!
Our hearts still smile at that one, and the pennies are still in a safe place!
Kathy Graf
It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out that FINDING a 1955 penny on that VERY DAY was extremely RARE! But, what are the astonishing odds THAT PENNY would be PAIRED with one from 2013 … two significant dates for the sisters?
For those of us who know God’s way of SQUEEZING himself in NEXT to us …at a lunch table ... it doesn’t take a theologian to recognize a Godwink!
We're writing a new book... our 13th... about GODWINK MOMS. If you have a Godwink story you'd like considered, please send yours to this link.
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We send you robust wishes for wondrous Godwinks!
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