“I was taking my daughter to the sitters on my way to work.
I got to an intersection where THE LIGHT WAS GREEN. Yet, without thinking, almost like I was in a TRANCE, I slowed the vehicle to a stop.
There were NO OTHER CARS. At any other time I would have proceeded thru the light without a second thought. But it was like A VOICE, or a thought, that popped into my head to STAY STILL and WAIT.
I again looked both ways. The light was still green. So, slowly I began to lift my foot to step on the gas pedal ... when a VEHICLE CAME FLYING THRU the intersection and completely blew his red light.
Had I gone forward right away, that car would have T-BONED MY CAR with my one year old inside.
All I could do was cry because I felt so BLESSED at what DIDN’T happen.”
Suzi Robinson
Has that happened to YOU? Something inside ... a VOICE, a thought, a quiet SENSE ... STOPS YOU from stepping from a curb or driving forward?
Do those things “just happen?”
Or … has He has taught you to LISTEN when he sends you GODWINK MESSAGES?
Good wishes for bountiful Godwinks!
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