Louise DuArt-Rushnell1 comment
“Remember the story of Chicken Little running in circles shouting ‘the sky is falling...the sky is falling’?
It reminds me of the story of the disciples who PANICKED when a furious storm came up on the lake. As waves swept over the boat they thought it was going to be the END of THEM!
Looking over to Jesus they couldn't understand how in the world He could be NAPPING when everything around them was CRASHING DOWN around them!
Have you been in a situation when it SEEMS as though the SKY is FALLING and God doesn't appear to be noticing you? Could He be testing your faith?
DON'T PANIC. He WILL calm the stormy seas and keep the sky from falling.
‘God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.’”*
Louise Ann DuArt
My dear wife Louise’s calming thoughts for GODWINKERS are just what we need when things are in turmoil.

You can find QUIET PEACE EVERYDAY …by joining Louise and the Godwinkers Private Group.

Many Godwinkers are finding that Godwink Gift Cards provide the perfect message of hope and encouragement to friends.

Good wishes for wonderful Godwinks of calm today.
*Ps 46:1

1 comment

Jonathan Polleys
Jonathan Polleys
Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful and very applicable!

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