SQuire Rushnell
“I was traveling with my two small children on an unfamiliar road... hundreds of miles from home... when I had a FLAT TIRE.
As I pulled over, I looked at my 10 year-old son and asked, ‘What do we do now’?
He SMILED at me and said, ‘WHY DON'T WE PRAY!’
I looked out my car window... into the gorgeous sunset... and said aloud, 'Lord, it's me. I NEED HELP. Could you possibly send my GUARDIAN ANGEL to help me today?'
We sat there a few minutes when an orange mini pickup truck came by ... passed me, slowed and then stopped. He backed up, and walked to our car.
‘Hello, I've had a flat,’ I said.
He smiled a beautiful smile and said, ‘Yeah, I know. I thought I'd be your GUARDIAN ANGEL today and change it for you.’
That was God Winking at us for sure.”
Deb Sterling

Whatever the issue you’re facing right now … pray.

Perhaps your GUARDIAN ANGEL will show up.

And remember... an ANSWERED PRAYER is always a Godwink.    

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May you be victorious this week with Godwinks at every turn.

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