SQuire Rushnell1 comment
“My wife was YEARNING for TWO DOGS and we began our search for a pair to adopt.
Over dinner, I confidently reassured her, ‘God is going to give us two very special dogs and I think we should NAME them BUDDY and BELLE!’
That weekend my sister-in-law saw a pair of pups at the dog groomers and asked if she could show them to us. Two beautiful Havanese cage mates that couldn’t be separated.
We FELL in love with them instantly and I told her I ALREADY KNEW what we would NAME them.
When my sister-in-law returned with the dogs to tell the groomer that we definitely wanted them she mentioned that we’d NAMED them already: “Buddy & Belle”.
The groomer began to CRY. ‘That IS their names!’ she said!"
Dave Messing
That’s how Godwinks work. We are divinely aligned by events and circumstances so that our paths will cross with exactly the people He wants us to meet.
Then, dropping His calling card, He delivers the Godwink!
What do we say? “Wow!”

Dave and his wife had one other sweet outcome: the groomer was so astonished by the Godwink … that Dave’s name for the dogs was the name they ALREADY HAD… that she burst out, “Tell ‘em there’s no charge!”

If you love this story about Godwinks and Dogs... did you know that our book "Dogwinks" is jam packed with True Story Godwink Stories of Dogs.

In fact the first incredible story in the book is the basis for our hit Netflix Movie, "Rescued by Ruby" recently ranked the "best dog movie ever on Netflix".

Wishes for Winks


1 comment

Sharon Stewart
Sharon Stewart
A beautiful story thank you for sharing.

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