This may sound a silly, but I have learned more about love from dogs than I have from humans. My dog Spotty taught me so much about faithfulness, loyalty and sacrificial love. In fact, no creatures on earth do more to exemplify God’s unconditional love for us than our dogs.
SQuire and I are writing story after story about dogs teaching us to love in a new book called “Dogwinks.” At the center of every inspiring story is a Godwink and a dog.
- You’ll read about Bullet the old 13-year old dog whose owners, against all advice, took out a $5000 loan for surgery to save his life. Later the couple had a surprise late-in-life baby. At 4:30 in the morning Bullet saved the child by alerting the couple that the baby wasn’t breathing.
- Ruby, labeled “unmanageable”, was saved from euthanasia by a lady, a shelter volunteer, who advocated for her. Months later Ruby was the rescue dog that found the same woman’s missing boy lost in the woods and clinging to life.
- Faith was a dog born with only two legs and went on to inspire millions of people with her determination and courage to learn to walk like a human. The stories go on and on.
Dogs show their gratitude to those of us who provide them a good home. They never want to leave our side. In fact, they don’t understand why they can’t always be with us. I wonder if God feels the same way. He loves to be with us every minute of every day, too.
Our dear friend Pastor Bill Devlin, or PB as we call him, has a phrase he always says before we hang up the phone. “God loves you and I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it!” We can only conclude that PB would have been a good dog.
Your dog’s unconditional love for you is never dependent upon a checklist of how well you’ve kept your promises … what religion you are … or what political party you’re rooting for. Nope. They just love you the way you are.
How about we all try to …
Wishes & Winks, Louise