“In my youth I was DEVASTATED.
My GRANDMOTHER, with whom I was very close, passed away at 5 o’clock in the morning.
Exactly one year later, at 5am, we were awakened with the DOOR BELL RINGING nonstop. My mother answered the door. No one was there. No one in sight.
Fast forward 50 years, before dawn, I was going through some old photos and found one of GRANDMA.
As I sat reminiscing about her, the DOOR BELL began RINGING nonstop!
Nope, no one there, no one in sight!
Makes you wonder, are those Godwinks?”
Jack Bartle
Over the years our readers have helped to hone the distinction between Godwinks and Coincidence.
“Coincidence” in the dictionary is “A remarkable concurrence of events WITHOUT apparent CAUSE.”
But… a Godwink is “a remarkable concurrence of events WITH a CAUSE” … and that cause is divine.
What do you think? Was that door bell ringing a coincidence? Or ... maybe a God and Grannywink?
Wishes for Godwinks
As a reminder to be on the lookout for Godwinks everyday, the "Had A Godwink Today?" MUG fits into almost any breakfast table setting. Take a look and imagine a set of these joyful mugs on your table.
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