SQuire Rushnell1 comment
“While working as a DEPUTY in Cincinnati I noticed a WALLET on the ground.
A glance at the driver’s license and the picture told me that the WOMAN who’d lost it lived a few miles away.
Over the next several hours, I was absorbed by routine calls and forgot about the wallet, which I had laid on the front seat of the car.

Driving through a shopping center parking lot I noticed a woman sitting in a PARKED CAR leaning her head against the steering wheel. She appeared to be WORRIED or upset.

I continued on my route around the shopping center suddenly remembering the wallet. I looked at the picture on the driver’s license. It RESEMBLED that woman.


I drove back around and called in her license plate for an identification check. It was her!


I walked up to her car and the woman looked confused. Then I showed her that I had her wallet.


She jumped from her car, yelling, “Praise Jesus, praise Jesus, praise Jesus!”


She excitedly explained that she had been PRAYING that her wallet would be found.


This shopping center was at least two miles from where I had found the wallet. So I know this was a wink from God.”


We’ve all had that sinking feeling when we've lost something. 
Imagine the torment that lady must have felt ... the worry ... and self-blame. 

Yet, what a wonderful example she set for us: whenever we lose anything, we should head for PRAYER… the best LOST & FOUND around.

FYI: This full story appears in our book Godwink Stories: A Devotional.

Wishes for Godwinks!

1 comment

Shirley Jeanette Crawford
Shirley Jeanette Crawford
My in-laws wanted to take my children to church with them one Sunday. I went to my sister n laws to drop them off. As I was leaving I saw a BIBLE on the road. When I checked to see if it had a name in it…it was my UNCLES. He lived around the corner and had laid it on top of the car. He was shocked when I told him how I came to find it!

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