SQuire Rushnell2 comments
“At an ice cream shop a LITTLE GIRL was walking with her parents eating an ice cream cone.
Two teenage girls BUMPED INTO the child knocking her cone to the ground. They looked back … no apology … and kept going.
She began to CRY and the parents consoled her.
Immediately God spoke to my heart. I handed them $5.00.
I introduced myself, not as a pastor, but as a person who saw the incident and wanted to make it right.
My best take-away… other than that sweet little girl's smile ... is knowing that she'll remember an act of kindness at an ice cream shop.”
Tim Jones
Something to think about:
An Act of Kindness always makes you a "Godwink Link" ... the messenger of a Godwink to someone else.
Wishes for Godwinks


Peter Coriddi
Peter Coriddi
Walking in a mall I saw an elderly woman with a walker trying to go down an escalator. I ran to her and said “may I help you?” She said yes. We headed to a nearby elevator and I went with her so she could meet up with her family. She said, thank you, your so kind, and God bless you. God is Great.
Cliff Todd
Cliff Todd
Good for you, to step up and turn this around. God used you to share His Godwink!

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