“62 years ago my dad was wearing my MOM’S class RING on a chain and LOST it playing football in the Ferguson School yard.
It was never found.
Many times people would search with METAL DETECTORS.
Today, Mom saw this GUY searching the Ferguson yard for treasures. She stopped and told him her story….and a half an hour later he FOUND it!
He said God PLACED HIM there to find it today. My mom couldn’t agree more!
My parents will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this February. What a GIFT this was!”
Tracy Nuese
Let’s think about that… Tracy’s mom’s high school ring … lost for 62 years…was still on her mind.
When she saw a man … presumably a stranger… using a metal detector on the field, she felt a NUDGE to stop and talk to him about it.
Then… God winked! Just like that!
Wishes for fortuitous Godwinks!
As you read these Godwink WINKletters, over a warm Cup of comfort, wouldn't YOU LOOK GOOD lifting a Godwinks Mug?