“I was at a CHARITABLE auction and to my surprise … I spent $420.00 on two auction items.
That was way out of character, but, I was PRODDED by the Holy Spirit.
After my bid I could hear the devil whispering inside my head, ‘you needed that money more than they did.’
And as the evening went on, I kept asking: ‘Lord, was I foolish to have done that? Money is so tight.’
My ANSWER came this morning.
I was looking at a SLIM BOX that sat near the TV for six years. My late husband Rob used it to hold techy connectors and things.
Somehow today my attention was drawn to that box, thinking, ‘I keep that because it’s MY connection to Rob… but honestly…WHY am I keeping it?’
Absent-mindedly, I riffled through the stuff in the box.
Under a bunch of wires was $500!
‘Rob! Were you hiding MONEY from me?!’ I laughed and shouted to his photo on the desk.
And what do you know … it was the amount I DONATED to the CHARITY, plus a little to spare!”
She didn't realize it at the time, but Diane's Godwink was the fulfillment of a famous bible verse:
"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full ... pressed down, shaken together to make room for more." Luke 6:38
What a wonderful lesson for us as we head into this Godly season.
May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and subsequent holidays... filled with glorious Godwinks.
There is always window shopping at the Godwinks Shop ... love to have you visit.
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