SQuire Rushnell2 comments


          This is the script I wrote for our Godwinks on NBC TODAY segment, featuring Alice and Jack Totah whose wonderful love story has become a popular annual treat on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel. (Click to Check times) It's called "A Godwink Christmas 2: Meant for Love."


            Frankly, I had given up on men.

            I looked up and said, “If you want me to get married ... YOU pick him out. So far my choices stink.” I was serious. I had decided to stop trying to engineer my own life.

            A short while later I was invited to an event, and I stepped in front of a man with the most beautiful golden brown eyes.

            I said, “Hi, my name is Jack” ... and we began a conversation that lasted almost 3 hours.
            We talked and talked. Then ...  like Cinderella ... Alice looked at her watch and said ...
             “I have to go! I’m driving 6 hours to a wedding tomorrow in Victoria, TX!”  Then, Jack said...
            “I’M going to a wedding in Victoria tomorrow. My cousin’s marrying a doctor!”
            “My cousin IS a doctor,” I shouted, almost jumping up and down.
            So, isn’t that an amazing GODWINK ...the two of us going to a wedding 300 miles away?
            So…what do you do in a situation like that? Well, we decided to save on gas ... and drove down together.
            And believe me, there wasn’t a minute’s worth of dead air, all the way!

            At the wedding reception, Jack danced me across the floor like I was a princess. I was so smitten my toes curled.


            That’s what she also said when I walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight.
            My toes curled!!
            The next morning I went down to have breakfast with my favorite Uncle Charlie.

            I couldn’t wait to tell him. “Uncle Charlie, I’ve met the man I’m going to marry.”
            He wanted to know his name, so I said, “Jack…Jack Totah.”
            Uncle Charlie, had a sudden, puzzled look on his face. He asked: “I wonder if he’s  related to Nabeh (nab-BEE) Totah?”
            At that very moment, I walked into the kitchen ... heard the question ...

            and answered: “Nabeh is MY uncle.”
            Uncle Charlie was surprised. He said, “You two better sit down.” He told the story of when he was a young man, coming to America on a ship. He was filled with uncertainty. Then, he met a young man named Nabeh who felt exactly the same way.
            The two became instant best friends. But, when the ship docked, they were separated in customs. And Uncle Charlie sounded sad, as he said, “I’ve always wondered what happened to my old friend Nabeh.” I told him. He lives in California!
            Well, one year later, the Cinderella story was finally written ...
            My Prince JACK ... took my hand in marriage ... and I became Mrs. Jack Totah.
            And we were so proud as we looked out at our families, and saw two old friends sitting side by side ... for the first time in 50 years ... Uncle Charlie and Uncle Nabeh.
            So you see, Godwinks can bring families together ... and help you have the best wedding day ever!


To watch my telling of this story, go to the home page featured video by clicking and scrolling to the bottom of the page. You'll see Alice and Jack's wedding photos and pictures of their two favorite uncles.

Then, click (as in the top paragraph) to find out when you can watch the HMK Movie, "A Godwink Christmas 2 - Meant for Love"... and see how we've done putting the story to film.

There are 4 Hallmark Godwink Movies running this season... the 5th is in script preparation for sometime next year.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful holiday season 

SQuire & Louise


Loretta Athanase
Loretta Athanase
How I loved their story. A nice follow-up. Thank you.
Beautiful story of love and rekindled freindships. Than you for sharing. 🫶💞🙏

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