SQuire Rushnell


“My husband and I were packing to move from Michigan to Idaho with our two sons.

Serendipitously, a CHILDHOOD PICTURE that had hung over my bed came to mind … a guardian angel helping a little boy and girl cross a bridge. In high school I felt led to give it to another little girl and put it out of my mind ever since.

On our drive to Idaho, we pre-arranged to stay over in Bozeman, MT at a VRBO (vacation rental by owner). The owner, also staying on the property, invited us to dinner and we had a delightful spirit-led conversation.
At one point she looked at me and said, ‘God wants me to GIVE you SOMETHING.’
Moments later she handed me a picture. I was shocked. It was the exact SAME PICTURE that hung over my bed as a child and which had come to mind only two weeks earlier! Wow!
My husband and I have learned to look for Godwinks as MESSAGES of love AND ENCOURAGEMENT directly from the Lord.”
Danielle Tatalovich
Godwinks seem to increase at moments of great change in our lives … times that produce stress and uncertainty. These include geographical moves.

Sometimes God reaches out to you directly … delivering surprise Godwinks … just to let you know that He is directing your paths.

That's what happened to CAROL BURNETT... whose story we wrote about in "Godwinks & Divine Alignment"... she was performing at a college party. A businessman in the audience asked her what she wanted to do with her life after graduation.

"Go to Broadway," she said. "I'll loan you $1000 to go and do it," he said, "interest free, paid back in 5 years."

That amazing divine alignment of Godwinks directed Carol's paths... just like Danielle received a confirmation... a childhood picture... that she was heading in the right direction.

Look for your Godwinks... they're like gifts on your doorstep.


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