“I miss my dear brother. He always called me ‘SIS.’
As my husband and I were driving home from settling everything at my brother's house I was deep in sadness realizing that was the last physical link to him.
With a big, bright FULL MOON shining down, I decided to check Facebook as a distraction.
Up popped a post that surprised me … ‘Hi SIS, love you to the MOON and BACK. Forever and ever!’
It was a SWEET GODWINK for sure connecting me with my dear brother.”
Carol Hougland
That note, phrased just the way Carol’s brother would have said it, arriving as the MOON was FULL, was not God’s way of being random. He’s never random.
Instead, He METICULOUSLY PLANS every Godwink just for you, to give you hope, and to let you know that He’s always got your back.
Remain on the lookout today… see if God has a meticulously planned Godwink waiting for you.
Wishes for winks.
Photo: Michael Blanchard (love his work)
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