SQuire Rushnell1 comment

Someone sent me this story…what do you THINK?  Is there a Godwink in it?

A VIOLINIST played for 45 minutes in the Washington D.C. SUBWAY.

Of the 1,097 people who passed by, SEVEN stopped to LISTEN to him, and ONE RECOGNIZED him.

He collected $32.17 in tips from 27 passersby.

Only one person knew this, but the violinist was JOSHUA BELL, one of the best musicians in the world. In that subway, Joshua played one of the most INTRICATE PIECES ever written on a VIOLIN WORTH 3.5 million dollars.

Two days before, Joshua Bell SOLD OUT a Boston theatre, and the seats averaged about $100.

The experiment proved that the EXTRAORDINARY... in an ordinary environment... does not shine and is so often OVERLOOKED and UNDERVALUED.

There are brilliantly TALENTED people everywhere who aren’t receiving the recognition and reward they deserve. But once they ARM THEMSELVES  with value and confidence... and remove themselves from an environment that isn’t serving them... they THRIVE and grow.

Your GUT is telling you something. LISTEN to it if it’s telling you where you are isn’t enough!

GO where you are appreciated and VALUED. Know Your Worth.

Credit to @foundconsciousness via IG


Godwinks are everywhere… but, like Joshua Bell in this story… they may be HIDDEN.

Can you imagine what they are?

I’m guessing there was a PRAYER answered we don’t know about. That’s always a Godwink.

And there’s probably a Godwink BEHIND that 3.5 million dollar VIOLIN.

Your thoughts?

Wishes for Godwinks of joy and discovery!


Let one of our books help you explore Godwinks in YOUR LIFE by reading how they've worked in the lives of others. Just starting? Look at When God Winks, my first book. For a deeper dive, consider the Godwink Effect or Godwinks & Divine Alignment.


1 comment

Christopher McDonough
Christopher McDonough
Great message, slow down, look, listen 🎶 to the music of life, you might hear a talented musician, a bird not often seen , a magnificent butterfly, or even the sounds of a falling river!

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