SQuire Rushnell1 comment

“I was devastated that I wouldn’t hear DAD’S VOICE again! We lost him unexpectedly in July!

Then, when my CELL phone was DAMAGED… every SAVED VOICEMAIL, including Dad's, was WIPED OUT.

I longed for one of Dad’s joyful messages, like, “Hi Laura it’s me, Dad, call me back”.

Slowly my new phone was able to retrieve messages and other features… but NO VOICEMAILS.

One morning while checking my cell, I accidentally pressed an unknown “files” folder …which to my surprise … contained an AUDIO FILE.

Opening it and pressing play I heard:

“Hi Laura, it's DADDY, just calling to tell you I’M BACK, LOVE YOU, bye”!

Oh, wow!

To hear Dad’s voice and discover the ONLY voicemail, that one, is priceless to me!

I’ve cried many tears of joy! There is no other explanation than a divinely aligned Godwink!"

Laura Bonvillain LeCompte


Godwinks are almost always JOYFUL… arrive as a surprise, like a GIFT left on your doorstep… and always bring COMFORT.

May each of you count the blessings of a warm holiday season, filled with Godwinks today!

Remember the sale ... til Sunday at midnight... only at

Two of our "Couples Who Pray" and "40 Day Prayer Challenge" books are 30% off... and the very popular "Godwink Christmas Stories" is 20% off. The latter contains two of the original stories turned into Hallmark "A Godwink Christmas" movies.


1 comment

Kathleen Kenna
Kathleen Kenna
My dad dictated his lists into a tiny handheld recorder. Finding it after he passed away was a joy, but when the battery died his voice was gone and replacing the battery didn’t restore his voice. Now I only hear his voice in my head, but the thing that stands out is when I’d say, “How are you?” he’d reply, “Wonderful!”

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