“I saw a book for sale on the internet about the history of churches on Prince Edward Island.
As the FAMILY GENEALOGIST, researching ancestors from Canada, I determined that it could be useful in locating marriage and baptism records.
I bought the book and received the package a week or two later - on my BIRTHDAY.
When I opened the book there was a dated INSCRIPTION from the previous owner, Rev. A.J. ‘Archie’ Murchison.
I was surprised.
Archie Murchison is a distant COUSIN and the clergyman who MARRIED my PARENTS 50 years ago.”
Kevin MacLeod
A Godwink is often accompanied by the phrase, “Wow, what are the odds?”
I suspect those words were on Kevin’s mind, that day, as he was divinely aligned with a book owned by a relative who had a connection with his parents.
Today, let us savor how God communicates to us ... sometimes divinely aligning us to loved ones ... through Godwinks.
Check out the PRE HOLIDAY BOOK SALE... now through Sunday on these titles, COUPLES WHO PRAY, 30% off ... and GODWINK CHRISTMAS STORIES, 20% off... until Sunday 11/26th. Discounts applied at checkout.
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