SQuire Rushnell5 comments

“I had to see if the GIRL was okay.
Awkwardly, at first, she admitted that she was battling ADDICTION. She felt NO ONE LOVED HER.
She told me her MOM tried her hardest to get her clean… but DIED of cancer. Now she believes she LET HER MOM DOWN.

I asked if I could PRAY with her.
(Now, this is NOT ME. I’m thinking, ‘Yikes - What do I say?’)
I held her hand and WORDS JUST CAME OUT.
For a million dollars, I couldn’t tell you one thing I said. It was like an out of body experience.
When I looked up the girl was CRYING.
She looked at me so sincerely, saying, ‘Those are the EXACT WORDS my Mom said to me, word for word!”
She HUGGED me and confessed she had been on her way to GET DRUGS for the first time in two months.
It was as though God had used me to STOP her from RELAPSING.
I’ve still got chillbumps.”

Felisha Conyer

Godwinks happen when we allow them to happen.
Felisha was brave… she allowed God to use her to intervene with a hurting stranger.
Perhaps we should all risk doing something uncomfortable today … to PRAY FOR SOMEONE who needs a Godwink.
Always remember ... Godwink is another word for answered prayer.


Lynnette l Gerow
Lynnette l Gerow
Amen 🙏 God Bless you. This is absolutely beautiful how awesome is that God will use a person for His glory!! I have a testimony similar to hers, I am a recovering addict and in my struggle of addiction God sent me a angel to speak to me through a man at a convenient store one morning this stranger spoke of my past hurt and trauma that I have been dealing with for years .He told me God says I am loved and that I can forgive that little girl who I have been blaming for years (myself) . He said God is waiting for me He sees me & He knows my pain He has not discarded me.This man did not me and my story of past abuse and my struggle of not being able to forgive myself and blaming myself for my childhood trauma.I can believe with whole heart God sends us messengers .Today I am no longer using drugs I have surrendered my addiction & life over to God .He has healed my heart I am a new creation His word says" old things are gone and we are a new creation in His word".He tells me yet in His word " I am fearfully and wonderfully made".He will take beauty from ashes.I love myself more & more each day .I no longer want to destroy my life .God has brought Joy into my l heart.I have hope where there was once so much pain, despair & hoplessness. I seek God’s word to fill my heart with His over abundance of love and never ending blessing.I had given up on myself but God said No, !!!You are my daughter you are not bad, you are not worthless I LOVE YOU !!!!
Thanks for reminding me.
Being a ‘blessing’ to someone else is as easy as letting ourselves be blessed without resistance. “God is no respecter of persons”- He uses all of us if we would just let Him. It’s getting our ego self out of the way and letting the Godwink come through.
Diane Baum
Diane Baum
This is powerful! If we allow ourselves to be used as God’s vessel, imagine how things will play out! I am playing Praise radio right now. It has literally saved me since Rob’s passing, when satan kept dragging me down, lower and lower. A couple of weeks ago, I heard a Voice say, Turn on the radio!" and on a station I normally can’t pick up on my tiny radio, I heard a song, praising Jesus. I have kept the radio as is, on that station and it plays all morning. What a beautiful way to wake up now!
These Godwink notes are appreciated more than I can say. Thank you! Love and prayers for everyone involved, “Mickey”

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