SQuire Rushnell1 comment

“When my Father passed away my BROTHERS and I gathered at his home to divide his personal assets.

We each were handed a sheet of different colored SMILEY face STICKERS.

Mine was ORANGE.

We had 45 SECONDS to pick 1 item we wanted and then it was the next person's turn.

Two years later I was LOOKING at a HOUSE 100 miles south of St. Louis to purchase.

While I was HEMMING and HAWING over the price, I looked down at the gravel driveway.

There was the exact ORANGE SMILEY FACE sticker!

It was a SIGN of ENCOURAGEMENT from God and my Dad to purchase the property.

I’ve been very happy with the home and lived there since.

Tom Wilson


If God wants YOUR attention… to communicate hope and encouragement directly to YOU out of 8 billion people on the planet…He doesn’t need to do something earth shaking.

A tiny orange sticker will do.

Look for your Godwinks today… it’s fun to see them. You’ll SMILE like one of those stickers!

If you know someone who is grieving the loss of someone special to them... like Tom in the above story... our 4th book is now a classic million-seller... "When God Winks at You." And, you can select from several free cards to express your sorrow.

The book is filled with stories of comfort... particularly Chapter 3, "Godwinks on Transitions"... which shares story after encouraging story of people who have suffered loss... but transitioned to a place of peace. The book reviews may be helpful.


1 comment

I purchased this book years ago and read it from time to time. The first time I read it was right after my father died. This book helped me so much. I told so many people about this book, they’ve bought it and loved it. I’ve also given it as a gift. Thank you so much for this special little, powerful book! Suzanne

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