SQuire Rushnell2 comments
What does winning the SUPER BOWL by the Kansas City Chiefs have to do with the break out of REVIVALS on college campuses?
Consider this Godwink:
Five days before Patrick Mahomes led the Chiefs to victory in this year's Super Bowl game, a spiritual phenomenon rose up at the small Asbury College in Kentucky … students simply were overcome by spiritual goodness at the college’s 1500-seat auditorium.
It began on February 8th … and as of this writing is still going non-stop. Night and day there’s a line to get inside to quietly pray, weep and confess, and to feel the “bathing” of spiritual joy.
WHAT’S AMAZING is that 53 years ago, also in February, the SAME THING HAPPENED at Asbury, in the SAME auditorium, that lasted for about 8 days. The current revival has exceeded that.
So, what’s the CONNECTION to the KC Chiefs?
In 1970 the Chiefs had just WON their FIRST SUPER BOWL … days ahead of the Asbury Revival THAT year!
God does things like that, doesn’t He!
The ancient scriptures tell us:
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Maybe it’s time for a revival to break out where you are. Amazing things do happen when we just submerge ourselves in our faith.

It'll be fascinating to watch what happens as the Asbury College revival sparks similar actions on other campuses.

Many good wishes for wondrous Godwinks.

Btw... if, like us, you can't get enough of these incredible true stories in the lives of other people...just like you... you might want to window shop these books. They're full of Godwinks.


Cynthia Grucza
Cynthia Grucza
I Love your Godwink stories and have many times been blessed with odd happenings which make you say to yourself can this really be happening❣️
Christ Wesleyan Church in Milton, PA normally has 4 Sunday services at 2 locations. This Sunday they are having 1 service for everyone in their church and all community members far and wide. They know it is starting at 9am… idea when it will finish! It will also be live streamed. This will bring thousands to one place, with one focus. Let the Lord rejoice.

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