Years later, Rod happened to attend our church.
His sister said quietly, ‘Rod is for you.’
The recording artist was excited ... celebrating her birthday at the famous steak house.
When the waiter brought her dessert... HE broke into SONG... and so did SHE.
But that wasn't the Godwink surprise ... it was better...
MOM’S class RING was LOST 62 years ago on the school football field.
Many people searched but it was never found.
Today, Mom saw a GUY searching the field with a Metal Detector.
She had a NUDGE to stop and simply ask ...
Famed actor Denzel Washington's counsel to YOUNG PEOPLE is particularly appropriate for EACH of US as we START a new SEASON... don't you think?
"I pray that when you put your slippers under your bed tonight..."
My dad used to say, ‘A penny is still a penny no matter how dirty it looks.’
As I was feeling SAD for my loss... I noticed a GLINT on the ground. I said, ‘Thanks Dad’!
But... the story gets better...
The pastor told a story about a church where people selected someone to SECRETLY PRAY for.
What a wonderful idea, I thought, as my eyes fell upon a cute elderly couple ... Belle and Bruce Reynolds.
That gave ME an idea... and I did it.
But the following Sunday there was a big surprise awaiting me...
"I felt guilty... I didn't feel SURE I was heading in the right direction.
Just as I asked my dad ... a voice spoke from the TV with the answer to my question..."
My HUSBAND'S JOB was about to be ELIMINATED. I was extremely nervous.
I began PRAYING. I am not sure I was even aware I was praying.
Suddenly I heard an ANSWER. It said...
When I MISCARRIED ...I argued with God and CRIED that I wanted my baby back!
He answered me. In an amazing way...
In the beginning, it seemed to me that "Godwinks" was merely another term for "Coincidence".
I was wrong...
Had you arrived 3 minutes sooner you WOULD have MISSED the girl or guy you married… or the connector to the JOB that ignited your entire career!
HIDING in this picture is an important principle of the Godwink Thesis ... HOW we are DIVINELY ALIGNED to be at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME...
My bag was TOO BIG for carry on and they NEEDED $100 ... which I didn't have... for me to take it on board.
I began to CRY! My son's ashes were in that suitcase... I couldn't be separated from it.
The woman was a blessing... but where did she go?
Our friend refused payment for her consultation... so we sent her an Olive Garden Gift Card.
It turns out, that card was the ticket for a wonderful Godwink of kindness...
I suddenly got a FEELING … I quickly called the boys to COME BACK.
They tarried.
I URGENTLY yelled RIGHT NOW! I was never more grateful that they did...
My MOM passed away the night before ... Rick Springfield sang his song about the LOSS of his DAD... and the woman next to me was still grieving the loss of her SON.
I told her what my Mom would have said about that...
My mountain bike hit a rock and I began to slip over the side of the precipice!
No cell service... just prayer... and then, out of nowhere...
On MOTHER’S DAY, I was instantly brought to tears.
My husband handed me a rare $2 BILL.
I was amazed. Not at the money... the incredible Godwink behind it ...
For the LAWN FELLOW I went to the bank to get $150 in CASH.
Two days later I was asking … WHERE did I put that MONEY? I searched everywhere.
You probably know whom I asked for help. But you'll never guess what He and I discovered I did with it...
I was helping out in the KITCHEN at Mission of Yahweh, in Houston. One of our staples was MASHED POTATOES… but this particular day we had NONE.
I went to Sister Gay... she was an amazing prayer warrior... she then looked at her watch and said, 'We still have ten minutes.'
What do you suppose happened next?
“Lately I’ve had a lot of things on my mind including the health of my grandfather, POPO, called that because one cousin couldn't pronounce "grandpa".
I was thinking about him while waiting at a stop light, and the car to my right had a LICENSE PLATE that read POPO.
My heart leapt! What are the odds?
But then … I looked to my left. That car had a license plate that read: GODLVU!
Instantly, I felt a PEACE and my worries began to vanish. Thanks to my GODWINK I knew God was telling me, 'I got this!'"
Pam’s story of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT reaffirms that Godwinks are like little gifts left at your door. You just need to open the door and open your gifts.
Have a wonderful Godwink-filled day!
When you’re looking to bring someone a token of appreciation, a get-well expression or congratulatory gift … consider giving a book of hope … every Godwinks book is signed… and offers a free greeting card to accompany it.
Wishes for Winks
I CRIED OUT to GOD that I wasn’t prepared for my EXAM the next day!
At that moment I glanced at the car in front of me …. a BUMPER STICKER said, just what I needed to hear... with a PHONE NUMBER.
But, you'll never guess who answered the call.
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