As I passed her in the aisle... I felt a QUICKENING in my spirit to ...
My mountain bike hit a rock and I began to slip over the side of the precipice!
No cell service... just prayer... and then, out of nowhere...
On MOTHER’S DAY, I was instantly brought to tears.
My husband handed me a rare $2 BILL.
I was amazed. Not at the money... the incredible Godwink behind it ...
For the LAWN FELLOW I went to the bank to get $150 in CASH.
Two days later I was asking … WHERE did I put that MONEY? I searched everywhere.
You probably know whom I asked for help. But you'll never guess what He and I discovered I did with it...
I was helping out in the KITCHEN at Mission of Yahweh, in Houston. One of our staples was MASHED POTATOES… but this particular day we had NONE.
I went to Sister Gay... she was an amazing prayer warrior... she then looked at her watch and said, 'We still have ten minutes.'
What do you suppose happened next?
“Lately I’ve had a lot of things on my mind including the health of my grandfather, POPO, called that because one cousin couldn't pronounce "grandpa".
I was thinking about him while waiting at a stop light, and the car to my right had a LICENSE PLATE that read POPO.
My heart leapt! What are the odds?
But then … I looked to my left. That car had a license plate that read: GODLVU!
Instantly, I felt a PEACE and my worries began to vanish. Thanks to my GODWINK I knew God was telling me, 'I got this!'"
Pam’s story of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT reaffirms that Godwinks are like little gifts left at your door. You just need to open the door and open your gifts.
Have a wonderful Godwink-filled day!
When you’re looking to bring someone a token of appreciation, a get-well expression or congratulatory gift … consider giving a book of hope … every Godwinks book is signed… and offers a free greeting card to accompany it.
Wishes for Winks
I CRIED OUT to GOD that I wasn’t prepared for my EXAM the next day!
At that moment I glanced at the car in front of me …. a BUMPER STICKER said, just what I needed to hear... with a PHONE NUMBER.
But, you'll never guess who answered the call.
I cannot imagine the grief borne by the mother of a lost child. But, I do accept that God finds ways to send us signs and wonders … Godwinks … to help lift us toward hope and recovery.
More uplifting stories are available for you here.
ROMA DOWNEY had a sweet butterfly connection with her late mother.
When she and her father stood at her MOTHER’S GRAVE, a butterfly landed.
Her father said ... That wee butterfly could be ...
My dear brother always called me ‘SIS.’
Driving home from settling everything at my brother's house, I was deep in sadness realizing it was my last physical link to him.
With a big, bright FULL MOON shining down, I decided to check Facebook as a distraction.
Up popped something that touched my heart...
An urgent INNER VOICE told me to go home where my husband was watching our three-year-old CHILD.
My husband was selling one of our cars and he was just putting our little boy into his car seat to accompany a man on a test drive.
My insisting that our son stay with me ... may have saved his life ...
My neighbor and I met at our mailboxes on a very COLD DAY; the kind of day birds don’t fly much.
He asked about my dog, recovering from cancer treatment.
When I mentioned the word PRAYERS ... we were both surprised by what happened next...
Young 8 year old SHELBY PRAYED for not just any BIRD… she’d researched it … and gave her parents a power-point presentation on why an Australian COCKATIEL would be perfect.
They said maybe when you are 10.
But... they had no idea how this story could have an ASTONISHING ending once Shelby TEAMED UP with GOD!
My SON passed away in May.
On especially difficult days I ask for hopeful SIGNS ... some days God sends me hearts...
“My mother passed away last week ... so I asked the girl if she could please PRAY for my family.
She asked if I had something to write on. I later looked at the crumpled up piece of paper she handed me...
Actor David Oyelowo had a PREMONITION while reading the script for SELMA … eight years before the movie came to life on the big screen.
After being turned down by six directors of the movie to play the role of MARTIN LUTHER KING, he was graced with Godwinks.
Read on, see what I mean...
I sensed that God wanted me to return to my home in KENTUCKY.
Just then I had the urge to look down.
Wow ... with a sign like that ... guess what I did...
Part of our mission is to explain GODWINK PRINCIPLES through stories.
This is one.
A grandfather has been telling his grandson about Godwinks... signs of hope directly from above.
But it takes a lost and found book to help the lesson sink in...
Our Godwink was when Rachel’s cat showed up…
I prayed asking God to send me a dog who NEEDED me.
The next morning I got up feeling the weight was lifted.
Five minutes later Mom texted …‘Look who showed up at my house.’
Actress Danica McKellar, star of many Hallmark and now Great American Family movies, tells a Godwink story that was a faith-builder for her as well as for each of us.
She really thought … after doing so much work on the script… that the movie for this Christmas season might not happen. Then…
Share your story here and encourage others. Your Godwink could be considered for publication, film or television!
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As my 9-year old excitedly RAN UP to me... holding a PENNY...
I realized it was the FIRST part of a PRICELESS Godwink.
You need to HEAR the SECOND part...
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it could be considered for a
book, TV or films!